The SCUFFY family unites each year to support members of our community. Our community counts on a variety of sources for funding, but the most important resource is YOU – the individual donor. Your support impacts more people than you can imagine. SCUFFY conducts one fundraising drive per year to support local agencies and provide aid and service to Shelby County residents.

Character strengthening and building programs for our youth:

Boys Club, Girls Inc., Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Head Start

Dignity and independence for our senior citizens and disabled:

Meals on Wheels, Senior Services, The Arc

Food, clothing, health care and emergency items for our needy:

Cancer Association, Project Clothes for Kids, The Salvation Army.

And ways to bring solace to our troubled:

Turning Point, USO


Please donate.


Our mission is fulfilled through the most generous of donations, your precious time!


Have questions? Please contact us.


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